Sunday, October 31, 2010

first pass at grand-daughter natalie's photo. gotta warm it up.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

picture taken this morning at charlie and myria's.

Friday, October 29, 2010

heard the first christmas jingle of the year this week on the radio.

i think i will begin to insert these daily pix on facebook. why not. i have repaired camera in hand after missing out on fall color, but may get some today when i visit myria and charlie in hendersonville. cousin bob & susie flew in yesterday to visit them and new grandson.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Right Wing Radio Duck

thanks and a tip of the hat to scrutiny hooligans.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

take a look. BBC video.

Monday, October 25, 2010

coming soon: got my dropped camera back after 4 weeks in the shop, so look out there will be a freshly taken visual soon in this space.

rainy this morning, nice. today is my big push to organize all papers, manuals, billz, i put up a painting station, building up an appetite for large acrylics, still modifying or thinking about modifying pc system so all audio outputs thru soundcard, get packages together to send, working on end of life paperwork - ie DNR stuff. by end of week intention is to have this stuff done and move on.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tibetans in China Protest Plans to Curb Their Language -

"Thousands of Tibetan students in western China have protested since Tuesday against proposals to curb or eliminate the use of the Tibetan language in local schools, according to reports from Tibet advocacy groups and photographs and video of the protests circulating on the Internet."

the known effects of an indigenous language disappearing include the disappearance of worlds inhabited by the speakers. if one considers world-view to determine or equal the experienced reality of that world.

i believe that a similar loss is occurring to the world that i was born in. the language and the world that fit so snugly within it has become a liquid circus of morphing meanings, and the multiple choice discourse we are the result of a language being lost.

Friday, October 22, 2010

held my nose and voted yesterday. today is massive cleanup day, find manuals etc i need, try and figure out how to use new throwaway fone i bought to replace broken cell, finish fixing audio input output so i can get back to mixing music on computer and on and on and on. at some point get around to fixing online portfolio which is about a year out of date.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

spent the last two days in and out of town taking care of this & that. voted.

this "world" truly a black swan. no-one knows. mad scramble to oblivion.

there were many books written about indigenous people's losing their language and the consequent loss of the world they previously inhabited. i and you are in a similar position today. hard to express, but something is gone.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

got back to aville sat nite, uneventful trip full of surprises, too quick, too much, not enough, but good to briefly see friends, children and grandchildren. at this point in our story when the lights are blazing nonsense and the density of foibles are sinking the ship, nostalgia is beside the point. give to your friends the love you have left and leave yourself behind.

i hope i get my camera back soon, and i very much have respect for mr. n. young's latest, le noise, which says more to me than the last 12 months of ny times combined. i'll spend this week chasing my tale as usual, reluctantly tangling with audio on PC and maybe work in some groceries.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

work in progress aren't we all

Saturday, October 9, 2010

leaving for chapel hill and environs this morning. my horoscope looks good. the first bird of dawn flew infront of my heading to the right, so the roman auguries appear favorable. i'll post here when i can. should be back later in the week.

Too much physical energy can be difficult to handle today, but it also may be exactly what you need to get the job done. You have natural reserves of willpower that you can draw on when you need them. However, you could be too aggressive in a situation that doesn't actually require much force. Knowing when to lighten up can be your greatest strength now.
By Rick Levine

Friday, October 8, 2010

leaving in the morning for the flatlands. i'll try and leave early, say 8 AM, which would put me stopping at jim's about 1 PM. if as history has clearly shown i get out by 12 noon i'll stop same place around 4. then on to nicole's which is nearby. after that don't have a clue.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

pic done this morning just to see if i could still do one. been busy winterizing house, ramping up for short trip to triangle. finally quit netflix, never did watch breathless. looking forward to viewing mint julep, small independent film done by kathy fehl and friends.

Monday, October 4, 2010