Saturday, July 31, 2010

ideas like butterflys.

Friday, July 30, 2010

yesterday back yard. finally got camera charged.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

mu head has been in a strange distracted place the last few days.

has yours?

Monday, July 26, 2010

wow what a waste of time. have re-cabled and tidied up computers and wanted to see if things still worked. so i bit the bullet and scanned drawing from 3 early notebooks recently found. not entirely happy with the result but you'll see it later in better shape. been very busy throwing stuff out, goodwill etc so somethings got done.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

pretty heavy, huh? maybe book jacket foto for if he knew anything it would be nothing.

Monday, July 19, 2010

the summer is getting longer and longer. just returned from doc who put me on stronger antibiotics and bed rest. the latter almost impossible, so many missing objects to find in the chaos of stumbling around w/ cane. return visit wed and i have strong feeling that i'll be transferred to hospital then and iv antibiotics. meanwwhile have run out of socks and underware, can't find cell phone, can't find camera charger, cant find one medication i had refilled the 13th. picture from another found notebook. drew it at silent soto zen retreat quite a few years ago.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

figured out workaround to publish a few more posts. meanwhile music creation has come to halt, windows xp problem. still hobbling around but left leg is slowly unswelling.

Friday, July 2, 2010

blog is now a holding place for daily pix until i add them to archive/gallery.

can't post at present so maybe it's time to (really) close up shop. believe i will. i'll be transfering my efforts to image clouds and trails of the imagination. but i'll leave this endeavor (AKA blog) with marvelous quote i got today from my friend peggy.
"If the skies receive no rest from being moved by love,

    heart, don't ask for rest, be like a circling star."

                  --MATHNAWI VI, 915--

AlterNet: Time to Take on Sarah Palin, the Tea Party Screamers, and Their Corporate Masters With Real Populism:
 "As I've rambled through life, I've observed that the true political spectrum in our society does not range from right to left, but from top to bottom."