"Last week, long-time manufacturer Seagate acknowledged a bug that is causing its hard drives to fail."
so what?
times are hard. time is easy.
dad slowly recovering.
i urge everyone to take mellancamps latest cd, go home, and listen to the man. serious as a heart attack.
if i can figure out how w/out photoshop i'll post some images. imagine that.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
lot happening since last post. took dad to hospital ER tuesday after return from phoenix and very pleasant birthday family gathering for 90th. congestive heart failure probablac from hospital friday, doing meds, doc appts, nusing at home rehab etc. tomorrow doc appt hope to learn more. things definitly looking up.y developing over time and set off very suddenly by upper respitory infection. b
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Slavoj Žižek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Slavoj Žižek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "So the truth of our experience lies outside ourselves, in the Symbolic and the Real, rather than being buried deep within us. We cannot look into our selves and find out who we truly are, because who we truly are is always elsewhere."
it took me 10 minutes to find this foto file which i don't recall. i've been looking for painting & foto images to fill out gallery and i'm not finished yet. i am astounded by what i find, some really nice work IMHO and some of it you will find on posts but it won't be all annotated and displayed in one place until i can find my attention which i apparently am in deficient of.
meanwhile a similar phenomena happening with my preparations to leave town. can't find stuff, some of which is critical ie meds.
so my intention is to leave in the morning after an interesting day.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Political Irony › Robin Williams on Obama’s Election
maybe i'm not out of words. maybe i just can't deal much anymore with the words i was trained and conditioned to use. think wyatt earp, davy crockett, martin luther king.
then there are other tongues, stances, postures "world-views": the source is aware of this world but but the opposite is not likely to be true.
i digrss or is it dribble" what i meant to say is
my sister sent me this Link. and these words do express real of now. or is it the rail of now? "words" that communicate.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
A Spurt of Quake Activity Raises Fears in Yellowstone - TIME
"Last week, geologists at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) announced they had recorded a 'notable swarm of earthquakes under way since Dec. 26 beneath Yellowstone Lake.'"
An End, and a Beginning, for the Media - TIME
"there was good news for the media in 2008 too, and it had a lot in common with the bad news. For while the media business (the exchange of information for money) was lousy, the media (the conduits of information) were multiplying."
all the snooze that fits.
i am in one week push to leave for a long trip. this means i have to get a lot done today and the next week. so i am boucing between super focus and overwhelmed. the usual.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
congratulations to ninian the new grandfather. daughter megan, new baby girl and family doing well.
you know after ghingus khan pillages east and west there was about 150 years of relative stability, to the point that trave between the east and west become viable.
after the vikings went nuts for a century or two, pilliging irelands west coast, they became merchants and traders from north america to byzantium.
after the neo-conservitive pillaging of the world's "money", and believe me they have it whatever it is we had, i wonder if it will result in any action that might aid human survival?
probably much more like the spanish looting of the americas.
Friday, January 2, 2009
foto near beaverdam lake.
i am still pilled towards a "statement" about the new now. and still lack the words to do it. as a member of Babblers Anonymous i keep trying to remember that i have perhaps used up all my words.
but others have not. some worth checking out:
the image by boorstein. written i believe in the late 40's, it is about public relations and replete with phrases like "pseudo-event" and "photo-op". amazingly prescient.
the myth of the machine volumes I and II by lewis mumford. a long and wide look at humans over the long run, and the evolving collective cultures man has lived. and how the power complex has revived big time since the enlightenment.
the stars my destination by bester. pulp sci-fi of a high order. a retelling of the man in the iron mask, set in the near future. a society whose ruling entities are the old aristocracy, ie "house of exxon", "house of sony". written in 40s?
stand on zanzibar and the sheep look up by john brunner. both written in the 60's, maybe 70's. full of today's aberrations, eg "muckers", folks who flip out and carry a weapon to some target and deal out random death. remember columbine?
sex, ecology and spirit by ken wilber. just read it.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
beaverdam lake two days ago.
i want to end this blog with some kind of statement concerning the situation on this planet. but it is beyond me. and this is the only planet i experience.
new happy year
don't believe everything you think
and if you do don't believe that.
be who you are
the Kosmos will thank you
even if you believe it.