Monday, October 29, 2007


bent creek
from last week's outing.
reminds me of a joke i heard no it was a bluegrass song that wafted thru the media winds the other day. chorus went:
"i may not be broke
but i'm badly bent"
didn't make trip. mid case of something or another for two days.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

i'm out of here back before end of week.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


sat around noon packiong etc slowly ninian spent the night n the way to brevard. i'm running l al a la a tt ee.

pretty kryptic huh?
i was just getting ready to go when i started feeling not so good delayed trip until tommorrow. to make it even more confusing this is yesterday's post.
it's all good.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


yesterday's excursion to deep dank overcast forest. i loved it. the celt in me i suppose.

played a lot of dobro while camped. i am more and more intrigued by this instrument,

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


took foto this morning yancey county. i think i'm going into retreat mode and drive to chapel mon.

Monday, October 22, 2007


from saturday's trip to the parkway. i'm leaving in an hour to camp out in yancy county and maybe talk to a waterfall. back wednesday.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


photo from douglas falls walk. today is dedicated to trip to big box for plywood and finishing camper. tomorrow i leave for camping in yancey county, fortress of solitude. later in week head for chapel hill and maybe points beyond.

Friday, October 19, 2007

i'm tired. very active 3-4 days, son eli dropped in, and friend t. headed west.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


i'm closing down a blog that has been hanging around for awhile and never really took off, for "harry's 1960's" and while i was doing the image above i was thinking - or at least a thought was bouncing around - of what to put in it's place, like "gone fission".

ou sont les nuages d'hier
came to mind (floated to the top).

and traveling right behind it, the answer, an ah-ha moment:
"blowin in the wind".

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


well i've done my image a day so now i can get onto the nonoptional sublunary endless action reaction tasks, today concentrating on going thru the motions asleep and not caring. it makes it so much more productive.

nothing worse then going thru the motions and fighting it, trying to fix it.

Monday, October 8, 2007

nice photo. no idea when or where. found it in a folder named "oct5.07" so i thought i took i last week. but the id # is way earlier. think it came from a folder misplaced that i dropped into the right place.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


one of the very few images you will ever see here not produced by myself. this one is courtesy of ashevegas by way of A girl who wears glasses.

pritchard park, local hangout of the dispossessed. if i existed as a worker bee in an office, i would start an office pool: what date will this space be occupied by a high rise?

meanwhile i am once again reminded of the observation by an european visitor to constantinople around 1000 ad who remarked that the inhabitants of that town all carried on a nonstop conversation about the higher questions, theology, eschatology, fate, karma and other inexplicables we have put into boxes. in the same manner as we today might talk about football or the latest official talking point.

for some reason i am not clear about this links up directly with my recent decision to vote for and work for the election of kusinovich. not because he is an is an eccentric wierdo, but because he is electable! i truly feel he can walk and talk like a human, and at this point that qualifies him.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


tossed off this morning. now i'm paying billz.

pretty much finished w/ new & improved image archive. i'll be adding images to it as i find them. the good ones.

rained last nite, a drizzle. i have a little more waterproofing to do on camper shell. don't ever buy one that is 1/2" shorter than truck bed.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


first oil painting i ever did. maybe 3 years ago.

as far as cogent incisive quirky cultural commentary, i'm fresh out.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

besides having a good time at the 2nd annual blogerama awards, i learned a lot. folks i knew and some i didn't are blogging up a storm. a lot of talent and effort. the video and photo domains are strong and being used with a lot of taste and discrimination.
check out these: while i have been cruising on automatic these folks have been pushing the envelope:

Stoplight Haiku
Moonmeadow Farm
The Hangover Journals
Flickr: Photos from susanlee828
photos of event
Et in Arcadia ego

for a look at the festivities:

Monday, October 1, 2007


an unusual week and week end. music, the breeze before the word, the same eye that sees is seen. and then that pastel dream last night.

perhaps later i can make sense.