one of the very few images you will ever see here not produced by myself. this one is courtesy of
ashevegas by way of
A girl who wears glasses.
pritchard park, local hangout of the dispossessed. if i existed as a worker bee in an office, i would start an office pool: what date will this space be occupied by a high rise?
meanwhile i am once again reminded of the observation by an european visitor to constantinople around 1000 ad who remarked that the inhabitants of that town all carried on a nonstop conversation about the higher questions, theology, eschatology, fate, karma and other inexplicables we have put into boxes. in the same manner as we today might talk about football or the latest official talking point.
for some reason i am not clear about this links up directly with my recent decision to vote for and work for the election of kusinovich. not because he is an is an eccentric wierdo, but because he is
electable! i truly feel he can walk and talk like a human, and at this point that qualifies him.