petrified kat. found during quasi-stroll.
looks like i'm stranded during labor day break. so i will back up and redo this site once and for all. or retreat into catatonia.
so this might be my last daily post i hope. if it were, what would i say?
the kulture is past the tipping point. all institutions world wide, the western model having spread everywhere, are corrupt and in place to serve greed, power, and blind control. we are all in great danger because of this. the ax could fall any day.
a good idea, human creation of workable forms of organizing effort, has degenerated into the criminal overworld, sleek, glossy and untouchable. this is a new development not encountered by the human denizen before.
it is also natural in that things, all things, change and develop into the novel and new. the unanticipated, the unexpected.
the reaction to this varies. denial, hypocrasy, head in the sand, rightous and helpless indignation, nihilism, hedonism, depression, running amuck.
toxic life, complete with bar-b-ques and powerball gizmos.
some retreat; some plunge over the tipping point. the rule of law morphs into elaborate rituals of nonsense. some attempt to use the instruments of the past to wake up. fear, felt or unfelt, rules.
digression: i wonder how much force and blackmail, the threat of death, is up and running in the small circles of power that assume they rule events. ie, are there any left in power in govt., corporate rulers who are in reality slaves to fear, who would like to break out but afraid of the consequences to thier lkife and livlihood? the takeover by the oligarchs must bother some who hang on by a thread to personal integraty but fear for thier existence and the existence of their families should they "rock the boat."
i am serious as a heart attack. rock the boat and you are kicked off. don't and the boat sinks.
remain in your cave quietly while giants roam the countryside pillaging. go out of the door and drive by power extinguishes another human.
the other day i ran across the statement that all tyrants seem to have the knack for manipulating symbols. i think "signs" is the more accurate word, but maybe not.
anyway to hell with it, let's get on with it. this too will morph.