remember macpaint? actually i sort of do. the above i did god knows when but i'm doing it again.
good old mac se30.
i did an absolutely unconscious watercolor the other day, in fact i think i put it up a couple of days ago. found a nice small wooden frame, played with cropping and positioning and it's now a miniature still life. looks good, i like it.
here's the links i did not finish putting up a few days ago.
Ron Morecraft Studio.
friend i met in piano class awhile back. beautiful work and he's on a roll.
nosepilot.comfriend alex's creation.
bibliomanacy? i can't remember how word is spelled, but it is the practice of flipping a book open to a page and putting finger somewhere on it. then read the sentence. signs and portents, waves of periperal intuition, small quick glances of memos from the boss, divinations, bird omens. as those of us who have lived with IQ numbers sliding away from the positive end of the bell curve will attest(?), when you have reached the mental badlands, across the border, signs are just about all that signifies. which is cool cause that is what they are meant to do.
leap of faith? no, more like stumble in the dark, or mugged by maya, when you end up squinting "through a keyhole down on your knees."
anyway something that is creeping up on me - nowadays most things creep, slither, tiptoe when they approach - is selling my books. thru amazon if i can handle the electronic paperwork, numbers, years, codes, all that stuff on the copywrite page - and there are a lot of sentences that make up the collection.
maybe i could sell the sentences.
maybe better yet i could trade, swap sentences.
with a human.
i'll work on this.
anyway i just returned from the living room clutter of books, frames, pictures, paintings, this and that. with a book. here is the sentence that found me:
"no universe can be merely a form of being which has sprung up and outlined itself against a nullity and void and remains standing out against a non-existent emptiness."
in other words (mine) nothing is not.
or something like the the unheard music the wind played in the forest. better yet, is playing right now.
and you can dance to it, got a good beat.