photo taken at steve's last night. dougie the nail was up for a visit. maybe still is.
almost finished with domicile organization. really cleared out this room where i am sitting, you could call it the "computer room" but i prefer "the rumpus room".
still digging into flash, it is so left-handed so to speak (so an i) that the gotchas seem endless.
the midi files on music animation page no longer play under NS7. they are fine in IE. i'm not going to spend much time on figuring out why.
heard some astronomer on coast2coast last night, an expert cosmologist with this and that to say, for instance that hubble has allowed us to peer almost to the edge of the universe. once we get past that, according to this gentleman, and map out the border, we can use that map to calculate the center of the universe.
besides being inclined towards the statements of some classical greek, can't remember the name, who said the center of the kosmos was nowhere - or everywhere - so i disagreed with that prediction there was another interesting bit. he was asked if he believes in intelligent design or god. very lucid answer, something to the effect that past the blackness of space is the unknowable, the invisible. and that is the locus of what gives the world of 10,000 things meaning.
i would restate it and say that existence has meaning, but the meaning is a mystery. experience of a human life always seem to indicate that you can move towards it, but not reach it. you can accept it or not. and IMHO it is best to respect and acknowledge the formless.