yesterday was another day i totally spent in front of computer monitor, finishing revisions to witd (book at top of right sidebar - new and improved) and obsessivly learning live pro 6 which is an eye opener. by the time it was time to go to drinking liberally i was so wiped out i couldn't see staright so i went to bed instead.
in the middle of the night, in that wierd twilight i have come to experience instead of sleep, i heard bits and pieces of coast2coastAM which featured a couple of hours of art bell talking with Graham Hancock, who i have never heard of before. his new book is superstition and the discourse was a pleasant change from talk about ufos and ghosts.
maybe pleasant is not the right word because this was a no holds barred very serious discussion. the book apparently is about today's world: nation state control resulting in the catastrophe we feel around the corner. and the unmanifest world of spirit which has been banished from "reality" of late. some interesting points. one was the author's contention that the creative revolution of 30,000 years ago was probably sparked by plants, for instance mushrooms of the psychoactive kind. a whole lot about terence mckinna. much about why the only hope ishuman conciousness taking a great leap foward or else, and why this can only be done in the personal domain, not the statist brand name scam cililization has become.
below is a pretty fair retort to the email fowarded to me yesterday. i don't know the writer of the origional email nor the reply.
By now you've all seen the Democrats' latest campaign slogan:
> * "A New Direction For America -- Vote DEMOCRATIC!" *
> Let's analyze this:
> The stock market is at a new all-time high and America's 401K's are
> back. A new direction from there means what?
The stock market has been on the rise consistently and constantly since
1984, and that reflects changes in regulation and an increase in credit
facilities. Its only major drop since then was in 2001-2004 which one
could blame on the Republicans in office but truly we all know it's
because of the impacts of 9/11. IN ANY CASE, THE STOCK MARKET MOVES THE
> Unemployment is at 25 year lows. A new direction from there means what?
The same forces that cause an up market (see first answer) mean that
those companies hire people, which means that (no surprise here)
unemployment IS at a 25 year low BECAUSE it continues to drop annually
without regard to who is in office. It's driven by there being JOBS
which are a direct result of a successful economy which in the last two
decades is a function of increased credit facilities so companies can
spend money they don't have developing products and services they sell
to people who don't have money.
> Oil prices are plummeting. A new direction from there means what?
Oil prices are going up. They are AT AN ALL TIME HIGH and expected to
rise depending on how the Iran situation is handled. A new direction
from going up is "going down" but again, this is YET ANOTHER FACTOR
which is hardly influenced by which Democrat is in Congress.
> Taxes are at 20 year lows. A new direction from there means what?
Who makes up this stuff? Taxes are not at 20 year lows or any other
lows. They are at the same levels since the last big raise -- during
George HW Bush's reign. (He was a "conservative".) Republicans had the
opportunity to lower or eliminate estate and other taxes and didn't.
Taxes have not changed. Sorry.
> Federal tax revenues are at all-time highs. A new direction from there
> means what?
Federal Tax Revenues are a direct function of the REALLY HIGH TAX RATES
and the LOW RATE OF UNEMPLOYMENT. You see, if you have LOTS OF PEOPLE
WORKING and you charge them A LOT OF TAXES your Federal tax revenues are
at a high. To suggest that somehow tax rates got lowered and yet tax
revenues are at an all time high is to continue to make up nonfacts. Sorry.
> The Federal deficit is down almost 50%, just as predicted over last
> year. A new direction from there means what?
The Federal defecit is at an all time high led by over $200B spent on
the Iraq conflict. It's not "just as predicted last year" or in any
other time. It's incredibly high. The national debt is at an all time
high as well.
> Home valuations are up 200% over the past 3.5 years. A new direction
> from there means what?
We already talked about unemployment being low and the market being up.
These factors cause inflation. Inflation is what makes prices go up.
THIS IS why the Fed raised interest rates 7+ times in the last year. To
compensate, CORRECT, and FIX the crap that is happenning in our economy.
This point "Home valuations" is a nice way to spin "Half as many people
can now afford a home."
> Inflation is in check, hovering at 20 year lows. A new direction from
> there means what?
Nope. It's not. I'm too tired to explain why so just see raw data at
> Not a single terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11/01. A new direction
> from there means what?
This is a non sequitur. It's like saying "Everyone breaths AIR, A new
direction from there means what?" Nobody's suggesting creating
Terrorist attacks on US soil or stopping the breathing of air. The
original statement when taken in context means "We'll do a new direction
from all the BAD STUFF the Republicans represent... like corrupt gay
page-butt-fucking pork-barrel-politics $200B Iraq-loving
no-Osama-finding losers." BTW, more American Boys have been killed in
Iraq (thanks, Republicans) than in the 9/11 attack.
> Osama bin Laden is living under a rock in a dark cave, having not
> surfaced in years, if he's alive at all, while 95% of Al Queda's top
> dogs are either dead or in custody, cooperating with US Intel. A new
> direction from there means what?
Uh, Osama HAS SURFACED and made SEVERAL appearances, SEVERAL videotapes,
and SEVERAL audiotapes. His "dark cave" can't be all that dark because
his white robes are whiter than most Americans' bleached T-shirrts. Al
Qaeda has no "U" in it, and they're not cooperating with US Intel ( a
chip manufacturer) or US intel (short form of US military intelligence
apparatus)-- according to the CIA they've had no new intel on Al Qaeda
in over two years. Quote: "The trail is cold." A new direction from
there means getting some good intel.
> Several major terrorist attacks already thwarted by US and British
> Intel, including the recent planned attack involving 10 Jumbo Jets being
> exploded in mid-air over major US cities in order to celebrate the
> anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks A new direction from there means
> what?
Again, a non-sequitur. Nobody has said that we all stop at red lights
and go at green lights and WE'LL DO A NEW DIRECTION so that gets
flipped. Nobody said any regime would encourage more terrorism. This
is a poor and immature way to attempt to make a point without having one.
> Just as Bush had planned and foretold us of on a number of occasions,
> Iraq was to be made "ground zero" for the war on terrorism -- and just
Yes, unfortunately Osama is in Afghanistan, and his recently captured
aide is in Afghanistan, and the Al Qaeda guys are in Afghanistan, so
it's great that Bush makes Iraq "ground zero" because that's what he's
accomplished there -- zero.
> as Bush said they would, terrorist cells from all over the region are
> alighting the shadows of their hiding places and flooding into Iraq in
> order to get their faces blown off by US Marines rather than boarding
> planes and heading to the United States to wage war on us here.
Perhaps someone doesn't understand global politics. There are so many
things wrong with one:
1. Bush didn't say they would
2. The word "alighting" doesn't mean what you think it means
3. The US Marines are the ones getting their faces blown off -- some
right on Al Jazeera
4. This isn't INSTEAD of boarding places to head to the US, this is in
addition to plotting against the US
> A new
> direction from there means what?
Hopefully an end to these biased, immature, anti-analytical false-logic
emails that make an ass of the sender and appeal to the Rush and Savitch
audiences but don't actually contain facts of anything useful. An
America divided is not an America United, and it's this kind of CRAP
that is divisive and stupid.
> Moreover, bear in mind that all of the above occurred in the face of the
> 1999 tech crash,
There was no 1999 tech crash. There was a mid 2000 devaulation of
Internet stocks led by Merryll Lynch analyst Joseph Abbie Hoffman. This
has no relevance to ANYTHING since the 20 year trends and 25 year trends
and the Inflation trends all show a dip but then the continue what
> the epidemic of corporate scandals throughout the 90's,
Once again the author is confused. Which corporate scandals? Enron?
Not the 1990s. Worldcom and Bernie Ebbers? Not the 90s. The stuff
that led to Sarbanes-Oxley? Not the 90s. What was the point of the
bringing up of this "epidemic" that didn't exist, never occurred, and
the individual unrelated incidents were not in the 90s?
> and the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks on NYC years in the planning which
> collectively sucked 24 trillions dollars and 7.8 million jobs out of the
> US economy even before G.W. Bush had time to unpack his suitcases in the
> White House.
George bush was elected and took office in 2000. He was in office and
HAD RECEIVED WARNINGS about these events. Trying to deflect
responsibility for his stuff... well he proved AFTERWARDS his inabilty
to go after the terrorists (Afghanistan) and his obsession with
completing Dad's work in Iraq. Still ---
if it sucked 7.8 million jobs, how could the guy say in the beginning of
the note that unemployment is at an all time low? WHich is it?
if it sucked 24T dollars out of the economy why is there no such
reference in any publication, and how could this suckage occur AND YET
the market continues its trend and INFLATION continues its trend and
HOME VALUES continue their trend. Answer: the "facts" in the above
paragraph are pure hogwash.
> It's easy for the Democrats to attempt to discredit, disgrace and defame
> our commander in chief, George W. Bush -- that's what they do. What's
> not so easy for them to do is to refute irrefutable facts, no matter how
> they might try.
Right. You can't refute irrefutable facts. You can refute the bullshit
> Do yourself and this country of ours a favor and don't be a mindless
> sheep or a blind liberal lap dog, bent on hate and blame-shifting simply
> in the name of hate and blame-shifting. Take heed of reality, use your
> head and cast your vote wisely in the upcoming elections. The stakes
> are far too high today, as America's very future, and yes, even its very
> survival is now at stake.
Do yourself a favor and don't be a mindless re-mailer of non-facts,
half-truths, twisted reduction-ad-absurdiums, as well as just plain lies.
Do yourself a favor. Don't be a DIVIDER, be a JOINER, and share this
message withthose people you "blessed" with your previous note.
> God bless America.
To he who sent this to you: Welcome to America. God does not bless
liars, hypocrites, and idiots. Try not to be one.