i'm adding to this post after watching the evening news. no cable so i didn't stay glued to the tube all day.
dismal. disaster. and it's getting worse by the hour.
they talk about the infrastructure. the infrastructure is a mirage if you consider the people that own it. and that is not you and me. bush works for exxon. the ownership class got a raise with the tax cut. and that cost the required maintenance of the new orleans levees. halliburton is building levees in iraq. since bush and his fellow criminals stole the government the folks in N.O. have been crying out for maintaining and improving the infrastructure holding back the water.
the criminal overworld that you depend on for survival does not care about "you the people". the corporations now have their own armies. mercenary killing is a growth industry. bechtel etc. owns you. the tower of babel is bigger than ever. looting? that is going on in the middle east, and at the gas station.
think about the insurance megaliths: will they perform any useful function at all after the devestation? they will make a profit out of the misery. pay attention and see.
fuck capitalism. it may have been useful for humans for a couple of lifetimes but it has developed into nothing but banditry, well-dressed thugs, torture, assassination, moloch, and wage slavery. your money or your life.
humanity is being bled dry, twisted, disappearing. only profit remains. screwballs abound. loose cannons, saturday night specials (a high profit product), monsters of money, rhetorical wreckage, demeaning of meaning. there are one million more homeless in the homeland today. how many were there before? phony government, terrified people, eternal corporate entities that lord it over "you the people".
time to stand up, wake up, and understand that your life is worth nothing to your owners. you have absolutely nothing to lose by adamantly remaining human no matter what.
but it will cost you.

photo my sun eric emailed me yesterday, taken, i believe, at puerto vallerta (sp?) mexico. of course i had to sprinkle it with a good dose of photoshop dust.
i made a lot of progress in corralling past images from daily postings yesterday. soon you'll be able to spend hours mezmerized by imagery and wondering why anyone would continue to pump out these visuals. i know i do.