a piece of something i did when i got back from hotsprings sunday nite. yesterday caught up on online flash course which incidentally seems to be shaping up as very useful; like the dreamweaver course i finished a few weeks ago, it gives you enough of the little conventions and methodologies to let you figure out the rest. paid billz and otherwise caught up on daily maintenance.
but tuesdays real adventure began when i took blood glucose reading prior to meeting jerry at drum gathering in the evening. somehow i'd been on reduced basil rate for awhile and blood sugar was 388 so i cancelled and bolused a lot of insulin to correct. then fried some bacon, maybe for the first time in a year. somehow managed to dump hot grease on right hand. stuck it in cold water and drove immediately to ER.
during the maybe 2 hours i was there i told the people that i was probably getting very hypoglycemic because dinner had been interupted, and as very often is the case in these situations it was not until i reached the end of the process that the nurse doing the actual dressing listened to me and took my blood glucose reading: 35. she was amazed that i could still talk and make sense and treated me to lots of orange juice and assorted goodies.
anyway right hand is out of commission for awhile, don't think i'll be doing any drumming soon.